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Modern Bicycle Stand

Seller: Sideline

Starting bid/Asking Price=$10.00

Fellow cyclists at the trail-heads were asking me where did i get that stand?. How many times you find yourself leaning you precious bike against your car once you are at the trail head getting ready for your ride. Cheap solution to the dilemma of not scratching your vehicle or bike. I still owe money on my bike so i figured there is a need i could full fill to help pay for bike.
I make the stands myself out of 1/2 rebar to keep the cost most affordable and color of stand may be different than pictured.Stands are starting at $75 at local bike shops.
The O.D. for the hub is .80. that fits into the hollow center of crank, should fit most newer mountain and road bikes.

This item was posted for sale Dec 06, 2015 @ 2:06:12 PM

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Sales tax = $0.00

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I'm often out riding mountain bike trails in the phoenix area, can meet at trails or halfway,whatever is convenient for both.My cross streets are 67 ave and Peoria ave. really don't want to get into shipping

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