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Diet and Performance Study at Arizona State University

Seller: Heidi

Starting bid/Asking Price=$0.00

I'm a PhD student in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness at ASU, and I'm researching diet and performance differences between vegetarian/vegan and omnivore athletes. I'm still recruiting! I need 9 more omnivores and 17 more vegetarian or vegan athletes. If you are currently training for a major event (ex: marathon, triathlon (longer than a sprint), endurance cycling, etc) and are interested in participating in my study, please complete my screening survey:

Benefits of participating:
~DXA scan (assesses body composition and bone mineral density
~VO2 max assessment (Bruce protocol on the treadmill)
~power assessment on an isokinetic dynamometer doing a leg extension/flexion
~$20 gift card to Target

The study involves just one visit to ASU's downtown campus, and you are contributing to research by participating!

This item was posted for sale Oct 06, 2015 @ 11:39:03 AM

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