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3D "hologram" Framed Art - World trade Center Twin Towers post 9-11

Seller: steved_nj (100%)

Starting bid/Asking Price=$500.00

I have tried very hard to take a good picture of this, but all that I get is a large glare spot (even without any flash) over most of the glass. I even tried to find a picture of it online, but no luck. So I will try to just explain it.

It is a 3D holgraphic type image that changes when viewed from different angles. The photograph is of the twin towers (pre 9-11 obviously), that also has layered on top of the image, in the upper right corner, an American flag and the words "UNITED WE STAND".

I bought this in a local "five and dime" type store in Brick NJ, and it may very well be a limited production item. I am asking alot for this, because it think it has a lot of personal and historic value, and as far as I can tell, it is also quite rare.

This item was posted for sale Aug 22, 2014 @ 09:25:24 AM

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